To better prepare our students for a smoother transition from high school to college and career, GCPS will conduct a Career Connections Exhibition for the district’s Career Academy 8th graders on Oct. 16. The event will bring together more than 200 exhibitors from across the career spectrum for “show and tell” interviews and activities. GCPS is seeking business people who can provide engaging presentations about what they do and what it takes to pursue a successful career in their field. If you know of potential exhibitors, point them to information about the event and an exhibitor registration form online. Nearly 5,000 middle schoolers will participate. The students feed into our seven College and Career Academy high schools: Berkmar, Central Gwinnett, Discovery, Lanier, Meadowcreek, Shiloh, and South Gwinnett. Questions? Contact Dr. Savela Pappas in the Office of Academies and Career and Technical Education at 678-301-6085, or e-mail