If you live, work, go to school, or drive in Gwinnett County, you have a stake in how the county handles future transit needs. Based on community input, county transportation officials have developed a Comprehensive Transportation Plan, called Destination2040. That initial work is now complete, and officials are sharing a draft version of the plan for public feedback before finalizing and sharing recommendations with the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners.
That’s where you come in. You can provide input on the draft version by reviewing the plan online before the Nov. 26 deadline. Email your questions and comments to the planning team at Destination2040@gwinnettcounty.com.
Destination2040 serves as a roadmap for how transportation will develop in Gwinnett County. The comprehensive transportation plan was funded by Gwinnett County and the Atlanta Regional Commission and has examined the many changes that have occurred in the County’s population, employment, land use, and development since the last plan update. The plan considers all modes of transportation including major roadways, all transit in the county, an overview of how people walk and ride bicycles, truck routes, and the Gwinnett County Airport.
Since the last plan was completed in 2008, much has changed in Gwinnett County. There have been major changes in population and employment, new developments have been built, and some transportation policies have changed That’s why this update is so important! With these changes in mind, the county has worked with the public to re-evaluate the vision, goals, objectives, and investment strategies set forth in the 2008 plan. The final plan provides a direction for transportation in Gwinnett County going forward, with a horizon year of 2040.
For additional information on the Destination2040 planning process, visit the project website.