When Gwinnett schools are closed due to inclement weather, students make up the day with a designated day on the school calendar. For 2016–17, three make-up days were designated— Feb. 10, March 10, and March 31. New this year, if an additional make-up day is needed (or the cancellation occurs after the designated days), then students would continue instruction for an online Cyber Learning Day, with teachers posting assignments on their eCLASS course pages and students accessing instruction and activities from home through their MYeCLASS account. Teachers would communicate due dates for the day’s lessons and activities. Children without Internet access at home would receive alternative assignments or time at school to complete their work. On Cyber Learning Days, teachers would be available online to support students during regular school hours. The online learning day would be used only if all make-up days are used or have passed. Any unused inclement weather make-up days will be student holidays. Because GCPS had not yet used an inclement weather day, the first scheduled make-up day, Feb. 10, was a student holiday.