In this season of thankfulness, we celebrate the team of people who make up our public school community… our classroom teachers and administrators, education support staff, and families.
During American Education Week (Nov. 16-20), we shine the spotlight on the importance of a quality and effective education for every child. Specifically, we celebrate the value of our public schools, which educate the vast majority of America’s schoolchildren. This annual celebration is a time for the people of public education to shine… our students, educators, support staff, and families.
During this week-long celebration, we also celebrate Educational Support Professionals Day (Nov. 18), National Parental Involvement Day (Nov. 19), and Substitute Educators Day (Nov. 20).
During these challenging times, our public schools, and those who support them, have remained focused on the physical and emotional health of our students as well as their academic needs. The caring and committed teachers in our classrooms have taught our curriculum, but also built relationships, emphasized listening and respect for others, and promoted resilience.
“This year has served as a clear reminder of the important role public education plays in the lives of our students and the life of our community,” says GCPS CEO/Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks. “Through public education, the American Dream takes shape, and in our public schools we work to ensure that all students have a bright future.”
We salute our students who have overcome many obstacles during 2020. And, we thank our educators and support staff—in the classroom, in person and virtual, in the office and the media center, in the halls and the clinic, in the cafeteria and on the bus—for all that they do to educate and support our young people through difficult times. Our partners at home and in the community are important members of the team as well. Together, we all continue to fulfill our responsibilities to our students, on ordinary school days and especially in these extraordinary times. Working together, we can ensure that Gwinnett County Public Schools continues to be a shining example of public education at its best.
Click on the link for an American Education Week message from CEO/Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks.