The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) invites parents, educators, students, and community members to help shape the Georgia's education plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A series of feedback meetings are being held across the state this fall. Information about these meetings and materials to prepare for the feedback sessions are available on the GaDOE website. For those unable to attend an in-person meeting, a survey opportunity will be announced soon and posted on the GaDOE website. Feedback also can be emailed to
Gwinnett parent named to state education advisory group
Hats are off to Philemon Maliro, a Meadowcreek Cluster parent and 2016 Parent Leadership Award winner who recently was named to State School Superintendent Richard Woods’ 2016-17 Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council. As a Council member, Mr. Maliro will give input on the development of Georgia’s state plan in implementing the new federal law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).