Central Gwinnett High School’s mascot got a makeover during the summer. Check out the Black Knight’s new look.
School naming process begins
The new Norcross Cluster elementary school opening for the 2016–17 school year needs a name and you can help! Based on input from community members, a school naming committee will develop a list of recommended names to submit to the superintendent. Following the district’s policy for naming new facilities, the committee gives consideration to individuals (last name only) who have made a significant social contribution, names of communities served by the school, roads, landmarks, and geographical locations in the proximity of the school. Submit suggestions by the Sept. 8 deadline. The School Board is expected to make a decision at its Sept. 17 meeting.
S.E.A.L. Camp at Brookwood Elementary
Brookwood Elementary School hosts its first Summer Entrepreneurial Academic Learning (S.E.A.L.) Camp.