During National Counseling Week (Feb. 6-10), we salute GCPS counselors, a group of committed and caring professionals at the heart of the promise. A celebration of Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) counselors is a celebration of The Promise of Gwinnett.
GCPS counselors do their work at the intersection of hope and hard work, encouraging young people to dream big and providing our students with tools for success, in school and in life.
At all school levels, counselors use a comprehensive, data-driven program to empower our students— those who struggle in school, kids who are on target for college and careers, and students who need an academic challenge.
Gwinnett counselors respect and build upon the rich diversity found in our school communities. They nurture the home-school connection, supporting families throughout the K–12 experience.
Counselors see the promise in each student, even when our students don’t see it in themselves, and work to remove the obstacles that keep students from pursuing their potential.
Counselors help create a positive school environment in which every student has the opportunity to be successful. With the guidance and support of these caring professionals, our students explore their academic options, make the right behavioral choices, and pursue their dreams of college and career.
Congratulations to counselors, leaders, and schools honored at the Feb. 7 recognition event, including four schools that earned national RAMP recognition in 2016— Arcado ES, Couch MS (with Distinction), Grace Snell MS, and Twin Rivers MS (with Distinction).
We celebrate all of our counselors… at the heart of the promise, working to ensure that every student has a bright future.