If you live and work in Gwinnett County, you are aware that decades of successful growth and development have led to unprecedented traffic congestion in our community. The county has rapidly changed, and its residents have diverse transportation needs and challenges. A robust, high-capacity transit system may be part of the response to these transportation concerns, so the County needs your help to identify how we should invest in this system for future success.
Gwinnett County Transit is embarking on its first-ever comprehensive system review, called Connect Gwinnett: Transit Plan. For this effort, the planning team will be at local events throughout the county to gather input. Community members also can take part in an online survey to share feedback on how to enhance the current transit system in the short term and what Gwinnett’s long-term transit future should look like.
So, get involved! Visit www.ConnectGwinnettTransit.com to learn about upcoming events and other project information. And, share your opinions and insights by taking an online survey by the Aug. 31 deadline.