The annual review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum runs through Oct. 15. Through the review process, parents, staff, and community members can give feedback on new AKS standards developed to align with the Georgia Standards of Excellence and/or Georgia Performance Standards. The AKS spell out the essential concepts students are expected to know and skills they should acquire in a given grade, subject, or course. This review is addressing AKS for career and technical education, foreign language, Health and PE, and core academic courses. Input on these courses will be given via an online survey. On Nov. 7, the GEMS Oversight Committee--a group of community and school system representatives charged with the annual review of the AKS curriculum-- will review the suggestions and curriculum director comments before making recommendations to CEO/Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks for adoption by the School Board.
Participants in the AKS review should note the following information in their narrative comments:
Proposed AKS Information to include File Name (e.g., Proposed Introduction to Digital Media), Grade Level, and AKS Number
Comment about course in general or specific AKS
Suggested change
Rationale for suggested change