In November, GCPS launched GCPS Talks Educational Equity, a series of programs on GCPS TV that explores the district’s equity efforts and the work done to date by six equity teams reviewing current procedures with an eye toward equity.
What is Educational Equity?
Providing access to ensure that all students have the knowledge and skills to succeed as contributing members of a global society, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, English proficiency, faith, socioeconomic status, or disability.
GCPS stakeholders—students, staff, families, and community members—are invited to watch the GCPS Talks Educational Equity sessions and give their feedback on proposed changes to procedures and equity issues in the district. An online survey will gather feedback through Dec. 11.
Throughout the fall, the teams have analyzed and provided suggestions to improve the structures, systems, and support needed to promote educational equity throughout the district. They’ve also recommended new procedures for consideration. The teams are working in the areas of:
Educational Opportunities and Expectations;
Teaching and Learning;
Student Support;
Community Engagement and Partnerships;
Facilities and Assets; and
Human Resources, Leadership, and Staff.
“As a district, we are committed to addressing and reducing educational inequities that exist and to providing students and staff with programs and support that increase opportunities for success,” says Dr. Tommy Welch, GCPS chief equity and compliance officer. “The feedback we receive during the live GCPS Talk sessions and via our online survey will be very helpful as we continue our work in this critical area of educational equity.”
GCPS Talks Educational Equity
The GCPS Talk Educational Equity series is available via the GCPS TV app, on the school district’s webpage, and via your cable TV provider. All sessions are available on-demand after the initial airdate. (Note that codes in live sessions are no longer active after they have aired.)
Nov. 9 Session 1: Educational Equity Overview (Pre-recorded)
Nov. 16 Session 2: Student Meeting (Live)
Special Guest Laura Ross, Five Forks Middle School counselor, 2020 National Counselor of the YearNov. 30 Session 3: Equity Teams Overview (Pre-recorded)
Dec. 7 Session 4: Community meeting (Live)
Special Guest Nury Crawford, director of Community-Based MentoringJan. 11 Session 5: Educational Equity Summary (Live)