GCPS students are getting into the swing of learning... whether they are learning digitally for the fall semester or transitioning to in-person instruction in a phased-in approach over coming weeks, a few grade levels at a times. On Aug. 26, the first group of Gwinnett students who selected in-person learning— those in kindergarten, grades 1, 6, and 9, and self-contained special education classes— arrived in school buildings. Plans call for students in grades 2, 3, 7, and 10 to return on Sept. 2, with all remaining in-person students (grades 4, 5, 8, 11, and 12) returning the following week on Sept. 9.
Check out these photos of students and staff celebrating the first days of school… at home and in the halls, on the bus and in the cafeteria. And, in this video from GCPS TV, learn about the role our students are playing in the safe return to in-person learning.
Watch for news, resources, and information in GCPS’ Return-to-Learning Hub, including support and resources for digital learners.