It’s American Education Week (AEW)!
Every GCPS staff member plays an important role in ensuring that each and every student in a Gwinnett school benefits from an effective, high-quality public school education. Right here in Gwinnett, we have some of the finest educators and school leaders in the country. Their professionalism, commitment, and expertise ensure that the K-12 experience in Gwinnett sets our students on the path to a successful future. However, they can’t do it alone. It takes all of us… in the classroom and the office, in the lab and the media center, in the halls and the cafeteria, on the bus and the playing fields, at home and in the community…to support students and their learning. We salute GCPS employees for all that they do to ensure our students reach their potential, and we thank our partners at home and in the community for their support.
Also during this week-long celebration, we celebrate Parents Day (Nov. 16), Educational Support Professionals Day (Nov. 17), Educators for a Day (Nov. 18), and Substitute Educators Day (Nov. 19).
Please take this opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education and leaves our schools prepared for their future!
During AEW, community members are participating in the annual Principal for a Day event. Watch for a photo gallery of images from our schools after the Thanksgiving Break!