Gwinnett County Public Schools has launched a redistricting effort to establish attendance zones for two new schools opening in August— Baldwin Elementary School and the new Duluth Cluster Middle School— and balance enrollment in existing schools. The redistricting will affect the following existing clusters: Duluth, Lanier, Meadowcreek, Mill Creek, Mountain View, Norcross, and Parkview. Starting boundary maps and input forms are available in schools and on the GCPS website. The deadline for feedback is Dec. 11, with public meetings set for Jan. 7 and Jan. 21. The School Board is expected to approve the redistricting plan at its Jan. 21 meeting. The school system’s inclusive redistricting process gathers input from educators, parents, and community members on proposed revisions. Proposed maps reflect set GCPS criteria that look at current enrollment, enrollment forecasts, enrollment histories, existing identifiable boundaries, school locations, and student transportation. For more information about the redistricting process call the GCPS Planning Department at 678-301-7085.