GCPS still has openings for community members from across the career spectrum to serve as exhibitors for the district's 4th annual Career Connections Exhibition, set for Nov. 16. Exhibitors have the opportunity to share their professions with “employees of the future”… that is, GCPS 8th graders from the 11 middle schools that feed into our seven College and Career Academy high schools: Berkmar, Central Gwinnett, Discovery, Lanier, Meadowcreek, Shiloh, and South Gwinnett.
Through “show and tell” interviews and activities, students will learn about various careers— from healthcare and public service jobs to careers in hands-on trades and the arts— and what it takes to pursue a successful career in their field. There's no cost for exhibitors to participate in the event, which supports college- and career-readiness for our students. Prospective exhibitors can find information about the event and a sign-up form online. To learn more, contact Billy Sayers in the Office of Academies and Career and Technical Education at 678-301-7050, or email william_sayers@gwinnett.k12.ga.us.